Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

It is Christmas Eve here. We made it and have adjusted to the time change, etc.

Last evening we went to a Christmas "Cantata" at Watoto Church. We would probably call it a Christmas play, but it was amazing. It was called "Three Kings" and presented the Christmas story from the perspective of the three wise men - if they had traveled through Africa when they decided not to report back to King Herod. Anyway, it was worth the 3 hour wait and security check to see the God-honoring performance complete with a 200 member choir. We weren't the only people to think that --they perform 2 shows each day the entire week of Christmas and 3 performances on Chrismas Eve and Christmas Day-- to packed out audiences each time.

Today, Roxanne and I went to one of the children's hospitals so that she could arrange for us to come back and deliver cards and gifts this evening (Christmas Eve) She is having a friend dress as Santa.

We are so happy to be here and the kids are enjoying endless playtime with friends in Rox's front yard. Rox is uniquely equipped for the ministry she has and it is so cool to see her using her gifts and talents to serve here.

Merry Christmas!

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