Our Role

We will be doing four primary things while in Uganda:
1) Conducting a VBS for the children in Roxanne's neighborhood. 
We will be doing the "Son Rocks" program that CMPC did a couple of years ago.

2) Visiting the children's hospitals.
Roxanne spends a lot of her time in the locl children's hospital.  We will join her and it is our hope that we will actually spend some of Christmas Day in one of the hospitals.

3) Home remodel project in a remote village.
This project may or may not actually happen without the handyman expertise of Harold Melton.  I'm not sure how much construction can be done with just the five Pearce's.  Even so, anything is possible with God and Roxanne!

4) Spending time with our good friends Roxanne and Wasswa and making new friends.
We are really looking forward to seeing them again and learning first hand about life in Uganda.