Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Disney Cruise to Uganda?

While riding in the car about a year ago, one of my three kids asked me "Momma, are we poor?" I said, "Well, no...why do you ask?" They went on to explain that they were the only children they knew that had never been to Disney World and so they had concluded that we were poorer than anyone they knew.

I was a bit startled and uncertain how to respond -- we certainly weren't opposed to a trip to Disney World, but it had never been a priority. Now, in the midst of this discussion, I was feeling a bit guilty for not having taken them before. And, since we were considering a trip to Uganda, I knew the likelihood of going to Disney anytime soon was pretty low.

As the discussion progressed, I posed this question to the three kids and asked them to vote... "Of these three choices for our next family trip, which would you rather do:
1) Go to Disney
2) Take a Disney Cruise
3) Go to Uganda."

Two of the three kids cast their votes immediately for #3. The third child wanted a little clarification and asked whether a Disney Cruise to Uganda was an option. When I explained that the demand for cruises to Uganda was probably pretty low and so Disney didn't offer that destination on their itinerary, that kiddo cast their vote for #3 as well.

I was surprised that the vote was unanimous and even more surprised that it was for Uganda and not Disney. Yet, when I relayed the results to Wade, we both felt it was confirmation of the timing for us to go.

1 comment:

  1. This is precious! Tell your kiddos that mine have never been to Disney nor on a Disney Cruise nor do we have any plans to ever do so. God is in Uganda, I'm not so sure He's at Disney! LOL
    Your kids are awesome! Their hearts are His!
