Sunday, November 28, 2010

Having a Ball

So many of our friends and church family are pitching in to help us collect items to take with us. We are so grateful.One of the key things we have been asked to bring is soccer balls. The kids there love soccer and usually play with a ball made of banana leaves like the one in the picture.

Recently, the kids in Roxanne's neighborhood have been asking her for a "REAL" soccer ball. I'm so excited to see their faces when we deliver them!!!

Lindsey and Wade spent hours deflating the balls so they would be easier to transport. I wonder who will get the job of re-inflating them????

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Official Count Down Begins

There are four weeks left before we board the plane. Just a couple things to do before then (in addition to finalizing our home refinance and regular work/school stuff):

-twelve teacher gifts;
-eleven guests for dinner (Thanksgiving);
-ten prescriptions filled;
-nine (zillion) things to buy ;-)
-eight documents to locate;
-seven folks to contact;
-six books to purchase;
-four kid events (two plays, one recital and one parade);
-three letters to type;
-two pets to arrange care for;
=one stressed out MOM!!

The challenge is to keep my eyes and heart on Jesus while getting all this stuff done!