Sunday, August 22, 2010

Good Reads

In preparation for our trip, we've been checking out library books on Uganda. We've found plenty of children's books on the "Pearl of Africa", but not as many adult books (other than travel books). "Last King of Scotland" --which is about Idi Amin-- was recommended to us, but I (Chris) like happy books and that particular book does not qualify!

We were able to find a great book in our library, "The Price of Stones" by Twesigye Jackson Kaguri. Wade and I are now both reading the book and really enjoying it (the book, not sharing the book). It is about a Ugandan Christian, educated in America, who started a school for orphans in his hometown.

It's a wonderful read. In addition to being inspired, I learned that Uganda is approximately equal in size to Oregon and has between two and three million AIDS orphans. The entire population of the whole state of Oregon is just slightly larger at 3.8 million. Imagining that many abandoned children left alone, without parents, is certainly a sobering thought.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Disney Cruise to Uganda?

While riding in the car about a year ago, one of my three kids asked me "Momma, are we poor?" I said, "Well, no...why do you ask?" They went on to explain that they were the only children they knew that had never been to Disney World and so they had concluded that we were poorer than anyone they knew.

I was a bit startled and uncertain how to respond -- we certainly weren't opposed to a trip to Disney World, but it had never been a priority. Now, in the midst of this discussion, I was feeling a bit guilty for not having taken them before. And, since we were considering a trip to Uganda, I knew the likelihood of going to Disney anytime soon was pretty low.

As the discussion progressed, I posed this question to the three kids and asked them to vote... "Of these three choices for our next family trip, which would you rather do:
1) Go to Disney
2) Take a Disney Cruise
3) Go to Uganda."

Two of the three kids cast their votes immediately for #3. The third child wanted a little clarification and asked whether a Disney Cruise to Uganda was an option. When I explained that the demand for cruises to Uganda was probably pretty low and so Disney didn't offer that destination on their itinerary, that kiddo cast their vote for #3 as well.

I was surprised that the vote was unanimous and even more surprised that it was for Uganda and not Disney. Yet, when I relayed the results to Wade, we both felt it was confirmation of the timing for us to go.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just Shoot Me

Man, I thought I was on top of everything planning wise, but I totally underestimated both the number of shots we would need and the cost of those shots. The kids were not exactly thrilled to learn that they would each need 5 or 6 shots. The only consolation was that mom and dad would need nearly twice that number!

So far, we've gotten some of the more routine ones from our primary care physicians. And, contrary to the mantra I've preached to the kids for the past 12 years ("it's ok; shots don't hurt, sweetie"), they DO hurt! Our group appointment with the Hall County travel clinic is scheduled for October 26th. If you hear screams coming from the Health Department that afternoon, just plug your ears!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Easy Money...Not!

Ever since "Aunt" Roxanne landed in Uganda, we've wanted to go for a visit. Since round trip airplane tickets are expensive, we've been entering contests since 2008 to try and win the trip. One contest we entered in May 2008 had the following criteria "Submit a photo showing you and your family in a way that symbolizes your families’ dream vacation. Include a caption of 50 words or less, highlighting your vacation request". Here is the photo and caption we submitted:

"Aunt Roxanne lives in Uganda.
She works in the cancer ward.
We’d like to spend Christmas there,
helping her serve the Lord."

Despite our cute scrubs (thanks Tracy and Gary) and efforts to tie the photo to our caption (map, gifts, scrubs), we didn't make the cut.

During the next two years, we entered at least three recipe contests to try and win the money to go. We must have sampled "Forgotten Au Gratin" at least five times while Chris was trying to perfect the recipe. And we felt sure her Colossal Ice Cream Cake had a chance of winning the Pillsbury Bake-Off.

Eventually, doors opened so that Chris could earn money the old-fashioned way: a job!!!